Well I have finally made it, well sort of…I’m currently in hotel quarantine, but I have made it to Australia at last! And I have to say I’ve timed my mandatory hotel quarantine pretty well with the kick off of the Olympics. So while I sit in a room for two weeks and watch our elite athletes do their thing, averaging around 50 steps a day myself…it’s a great excuse to catch up on some reading and of course work my way through a few tipples from the hotel wine list.  Top of my reading list this week has been one of my lecturers books:Read More →

Oh to be able to travel again…I know a lot of us are missing the joy a holiday brings – whether that’s to relax, to experience somewhere new or to spend valuable time with loved ones. I, for one, am longing to step onto that plane. So instead of an actual flight this Easter I decided to enjoy a wine flight! A wine flight is really just an excuse to taste a group of wines, typically a similar group or a selection of wines with a link to be able to compare and contrast. I couldn’t find any real evidence as to why a groupRead More →

Blind tasting can be a great way to expand your wine palate and get you out of your comfort zone. The ‘I don’t like Chardonnay…or Sauvignon’ argument, depending on which way you swing, is always entertaining when people don’t know what they’re drinking. And testing people’s boundaries with some more unusual grapes is half the fun too. I recently arranged a virtual blind tasting for a group of friends who like their burgundy’s so I set myself the challenge of finding some wines I hoped they’d like but from places they perhaps wouldn’t think to choose. We tasted five wines but the knockout favourite whiteRead More →

Being separated from friends and loved ones has been the absolute worst consequence of the past year. What I wouldn’t give to be sat at a wine bar having a good old catch up…hopefully soon. But my lovely friends have been gracious enough to be my guinea pigs for some DIY tastings where even virtual life couldn’t prevent the usual merriment and subsequent “need for a cold flannel over the eyes”* the next morning. *genuine hangover cure for one of my pals; sadly she wouldn’t let me share the photo evidence… For our latest virtual event I wanted to use it as an excuse toRead More →